SRB Processing Overview

SRB Processing occurs after a certification request has been received, and after SPS Review Processing, but prior to SSD processing. The flow chart below provides a basic overview of the current SPS review processing task flow.

SRB Processing Diagram Assign Engineer SPS Chair SRB Final Review Engineer Review SRB Processing

Users may wish to understand their roles within SRB Processing. The following video provides an overview of both processes. After completing SRB processing, most requests will again be processed by the SRB within SSD Processing. Users interested in SSD processing overview should see SSD Processing Overview. Users interested in SRB within SSD Processing should see Processing Scenarios.

SRB Processing

Processing Steps

The table below contains a step-by-step explanation of the current SRB processing task flow. The task numbers in the table below correspond to the task numbers in the SRB task flow diagram presented above.

Steps SRB Processing Task Flow Description
1 The request arrives with Status "Assign SRB Engineer." The SRB Chief assigns a Review Engineer for the request.
2 The Review Engineer may request additional information and clarification from the submitting agency. If changes are needed for the request, the Review Engineer may make them directly, or may send the request back to the submitting agency for modification and subsequent return to the SRB.
3 If the request contains errors or omissions that prevent performing an assessment, the Review Engineer indicates that he or she wants to prepare a Data Advisory Notice (DAN) describing the issues. The task form provides a DAN template for user to download, fill out, and then upload.
4 If a DAN is not required, the Review Engineer indicates that he or she wants to prepare a Preliminary Assessment (PA) document describing the spectrum supportability of the system. The task form provides a draft PA template for user to download, fill out, and then upload when it is finished.
5 The SRB Chief reviews the DAN or PA. If the SRB Chief approves the DAN or PA, the process concludes.
6 If the SRB Chief concludes that additional work is needed, the DAN or PA may be processed back to the Review Engineer or to the SPS Chair / Vice Chair for review.
7 If the DAN or PA is sent to the SPS Chair, the process concludes when the SPS Chair indicates approval.
8 When SRB processing concludes, the request is sent to SPS for preparation.

Users may wish to reference an overview of the SPS review processing task flow when contacting the EL-CID Online Help Desk.

A PDF version of the Task and Status Diagram is available here.

The El-CID Online workflow application contains a dynamic process map that provides a more detailed depiction of the SRB, SSD, and SPS processing task flows and allows users to view where the task they are working on is currently located within the task flow. For more information see View Process Map.